Land’s End to John O’groats day 4 report

Start point: North Bristol

End point: Wolverhampton

Some stats

Distance ridden: 146.83km

Time riding: 8:52:04

Average speed: 16.5kph

Top speed: 41.2 kph

Total ascent: 835m

Average heart rate: 114bpm

Max heart rate: 167bpm

Calories burnt riding: 3502

The report

Our longest day of the trip so far and possibly the longest day overall took our total distance over 500k. 532.12 to be precise. We left our Bristol hotel at 20 to 9 and road our first section of the day pretty fast. Our first stop was Gloucester. It was raining and windy for almost all of this section of the day which made it tougher than it should have been. It was about 45k to Gloucester which we completed in good time. We arrived at around 10 past 10 just 1 and a half hours after we left Bristol. We then continued to Worcester where we stopped from some lunch. The third and penultimate leg of our ride took us to Stourbridge. This section was also flat and uneventful. We stopped briefly in Stourbridge for coffee then continued to Wolverhampton. This section was hiller and we got lost a few times so the last 20k took much longer than expected. We reached the hotel at about quarter to 6 and got takeaway pizza for dinner.

Tomorrow’s another big day to Bolton. If you want to hear about that subscribe to this blog and follow me on twitter @firstplacetri

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